
【BIM】CCBM 學習筆記 (Part 5) - 建築資訊模型 Building information modeling (BIM) - Data Quality Control + Assurance Across Various Stages

Data Quality Control + Assurance Across Various Stages

Skills and Capabilities - Client

  • Project information manager
  • Gateway process reviewer
  • Information requirements

Skills and Capabilities – Supply Chain

  • Coordination Manager
  • Information Manager
  • Interface Manager 
  • Information Originator
  • Task Information Manager

The Workflow of Data Quality Control/Assurance in a BIM-based Project

  1. Allocate the roles and responsibility
  2. Set up the deliverables, activities, schedule and SMP (standard method & procedure)
  3. Map the deliverables and roles to create the activity matrix and check back the deliverables according to the checking plan

An Example of a Quality Control Checklist

BIM Activities and Collaboration Process

Model Checking – Deliverables/Naming Convention

Model Checking - SMP

The Aim of Audit Report

Common Data Environment (CDE)

  • Provision of a single environment to store shared asset data and information, accessible to all individuals who are required to produce, use and maintain it

CDE Structure

  • The CDE is a means of providing a collaborative environment for sharing work and can be implemented in a number of ways.

Functional sections of CDE are:

  • Work in progress
  • Client shared area
  • Published documentation
  • Archive


【BIM】CCBM 學習筆記 (Part 4) - 建築資訊模型 Building information modeling (BIM) - Information Management Process

Information Management Process

  • Assessment and need
    1. Appoint individuals to undertake the information management function
    2. Establish the project’s information requirements
    3. Establish the project’s information delivery milestones
    4. Establish the project’s information standard
    5. Establish the project's information production methods and procedures
    6. Establish the project's reference information and shared resources
    7. Establish the project's common data environment
    8. Establish the project information protocol
    9. Activities for assessment and need

  • Invitation to tender
    1. Establish the appointing party's exchange information requirements
    2. Assemble reference information and shared resources
    3. Establish tender response requirements and evaluation criteria
    4. Compile invitation to tender information
    5. Activities for invitation to tender

  • Tender response
    1. Nominate individuals to undertake the information management function
    2. Establish the delivery team's (pre-appointment) BIM execution plan
    3. Assess task team capability and capacity
    4. Establish the delivery team's capability and capacity
    5. Establish the delivery team’s mobilization plan
    6. Establish the delivery team's risk register
    7. Compile the delivery team’s tender response
    8. Activities for tender response

  • Appointment
    1. Confirm the delivery tcanTs BIM execution plan
    2. Establish (he delivery team's detailed responsibility matrix
    3. Establish the lead appointed party's exchange information requirements
    4. Establish the task information delivery plans
    5. Establish the master information delivery plan
    6. Complete the lead appointed party’s appointment documents
    7. Complete the appointed party’s appointment documents
    8.  Activities for appointment

  • Mobilization
    1. Mobilize resources
    2. Mobilize information technology
    3. Test the project’s information production methods and procedures
    4. Activities for mobilization

  • Collaborative production of information
    1. Check the availability of reference information and shared resources
    2. Generate information
    3. Undertake quality assurance check
    4. Review the information and approve for sharing
    5. Information model review
    6. Activities for the collaborative production of information

  • Information model delivery
    1. Submit information model for lead appointed party authorization
    2. Review and authorize the information model
    3. Submit information model for appointing party acceptance
    4. Review and accept the information model
    5. Activities for information model delivery

  • Project close-out (end of delivery phase)

    1. Archive the project information model
    2. Capture lessons learned for future projects
    3. Activities for project close-out


【BIM】CCBM 學習筆記 (Part 3) - 建築資訊模型 Building information modeling (BIM) - BIM Uses + Processes

BIM strategy, BIM uses, BIM processes

Determine the Business Case

  • BIM Maturity 
  • Benefits 
  • Technology
  • Processes and Requirements

Benefits of BIM - Client

  • Manage information better
  • To avoid errors
  • Government mandate
  • Client request
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Understanding Spatial
  • Capital versus Operational Cost
  • Transparency

Benefits of BIM - ALL Parties

Information Exchange / Store / Maintenance in CDE*

Benefits of BIM Uses in Different Stages

Under construction

  • - Paperless
  • - Design Review
  • - Preconstruction study
  • - Feasibility study
  • - Clash Analysis

Information exchange

  • - Design Coordination
  • - Spatial Concept
  • - Systematic Information Management
  • - Avoid Data lost
  • - Training / Education
  • - Transparent

Facility Maintenance

  • Life Cycle Maintenance
  • Accurate Problem Shooting
  • High Efficiency
  • Cost Saving
  • Reduction in Operation Cost

BIM Strategy

  1. Understanding of BIM and its associated Processes
  2. To understand how BIM can be measured when reviewing returns
  3. Review how BIM can bring about greater benefits to your business
  4. To Align the BIM processes with the global standard - ISO 19650 consistently
  5. To understand the value of BIM throughout the entire lifecycle (Whole life approach)

Information Hierarchy in ISO19650-1

Organizational Information Requirements (OIR)

Highest level expressions of the need for information within the organization defined by the organization's information stakeholders, internal and external


  • strategic business operation;
  • strategic asset management;
  • portfolio planning;
  • regulatory duties; or
  • policy-making.
  • 優化資產管理策略並優化/優先考慮其資產管理計劃
  • 評估計劃的改善活動的經濟效益
  • 資產建模以支援營運決策
  • 確定資產無法使用或故障對營運和財務的影響
  • 對替代資本投資進行生命週期成本比較;
  • 確定保固期到期;
  • 確定資產經濟壽命的結束,例如 當與資產相關的支出超過相關收入時;
  • 確定特定活動的成本(基於活動的成本計算),例如 維護特定資產/資產系統的總成本;
  • 取得/計算資產重置價值
  • 對計劃收入和支出進行財務分析
  • 取得/計算偏離計畫可能導致資產可用性或績效變化的財務和資源影響(例如,將特定發電機的維護推遲六個月會產生什麼財務影響?);
  • 評估其整體財務表現;
  • 持續識別、評估及控制資產相關風險

Asset Information Requirements (AIR)

What specific information does the organization need to know for each supply contract to answer its OIRs? 組織需要了解每份供應合約的哪些具體資訊才能回答OIRs

  • AIR 規定了產生資產資訊的管理、商業和技術方面。 管理和商業方面應包括資訊標準以及交付團隊要實施的生產方法和程序
  • AIR 的技術面指定了回答與資產相關的OIR 所需的詳細資訊
  • 如果存在供應鏈,則主要指定方收到的AIR 可以細分並在其自己的任何指定中傳遞。 主要指定方收到的 AIR 可以根據其自己的資訊要求進行擴充。
  • 在資產管理策略和計劃中可能存在多個不同的任命。 所有這些的 AIR 應形成一套連貫且協調的資訊要求,足以解決所有與資產相關的 OIR。

Specific asset information requirements (AIR)

  • Financial information
  • Legal information
  • Commercial information
  • Technical information
  • Managerial information

PAS 1192 Information Hierarchy

Project information requirements (PIR)

  • PIR 解釋了回答或告知指定方內與特定建成資產項目相關的高層策略目標所需的資訊。PIR 是從項目管理流程和資產管理流程中確定的
  • 應為項目期間委託方的每個關鍵決策點準備一套資訊要求。
  • 老客戶可以開發一套通用的PIR,無論是否修改,都可以在他們的所有項目中採用。

Exchange information requirements (EIR) 

  • EIR 規定了產生項目資訊的管理、商業和技術方面。 管理和商業方面應包括資訊標準以及交付團隊要實施的生產方法和程序。
  • EIR 的技術面應指定回答PIR 所需的詳細資訊。 這些要求應以能夠納入與項目相關的任命的方式表達。 EIR 通常應與代表部分或所有項目階段完成的觸發事件保持一致
  • 一個項目中可以存在多個不同的任命。 所有這些任命的 EIR 應形成一套連貫且協調的資訊要求,足以解決所有 PIR。

BIM Use Categories in Detail

  • Gather and Generate
  • Analyze & Communicate
  • Realize
  • Project Stages

BIM Processes - 7 Stages

  1. Business Audit
  2. Risk Analysis
  3. Making a Business Care for BIM Implementation
  4. Changes required to existing business
  5. Strategic Planning for Implementation
  6. Implementation
  7. Commitment to BIM

Key personnel in relation to BIM

Role of BIM Users - Client

  • Client Representatives
    • Supports creation of BIM Brief
    • Supports and manages procurement
    • Manages Pre-Qualification and Appointments
    • Supports Soft Landings Champion
  • Information Manager
    • Manage information deliverables
    • Support client in defining information deliverables
    • Supports translation from handover into operation
    • Supports Design Team in developing information for data drop.

Role of BIM Users - Project Management

  • Project Manager
    • Supports the project team
    • Can manage the BIM process
    • Retains existing responsibilities of Project management.
  • Security Manager
    • Defines the security strategy
    • Creates the Security information requirements
    • Manages and governs any secure information.
  • Property / Operation & Maintenance Manager
    • Defines the Soft Landings initiative at Strategy Stage
    • Supports project team
    • Monitors the strategy during all stages
    • Supports the handover stages of a given project.

Information Management

Determine the info management & CDE strategy

  • • Defines the Soft Landings initiative at Strategy Stage
  • • Supports project team
  • • Monitors the strategy during all stages
  • • Supports the handover stages of a given project.

Project Information Model (PIM) 

  • Information model developed during the design and construction phase of a project.
  • The requirements for the PIM (per discipline and for the project) are to be set out and documented within the Employers/Exchange Information Requirements (EIR). The information will consist of a federated building information model (a number of models which have come together) and non-graphical data as well as any other associated documentation.

Asset Information Model (AIM)

Determine the BIM/AIM/GIS strategy

  • • BIM is digitalized repository which treated as an overarching planning strategy of the own organization.
  • • It cannot be isolated but should be linked across to other organizational data bases such as cost and other non-graphical data as a whole to review and plan ahead.
  • • Thoroughly understanding the AIM and data exchanges during the whole lifecycle is crucial.

Determine the level of development in the context of graphics and information

Determine the level of integration of digital information into asset & facility management