LOIN 或 "資訊需求級別"(Level of Information Need)是一個框架,用於將 BIM 項目中與幾何、信息和文檔相關的要求進行分組。它提供了一種結構化的方法來定義模型元素的細節、尺寸、位置、外觀、參數行為、準確性和可靠性。通過了解 LOIN,團隊可以溝通並自動檢查這些要求,從而實現更高效的協作和項目交付。
Level of Detail (LoD)
- PAS 1192-2 (BS EN ISO 19650) Concept of level of definition:
- Level of model detail: the description of graphical content of models at each of the stages
- Level of model information: the description of non-graphical content of models at each stages defines
- LOD 100 (Concept),
- LOD 200 (Design Development)
- LOD 300 (Documentation)
- LOD 400 (Construction)
- LOD 500 (Facilities management)
- Level of Detail is essentially how much detail is included in the model element.
- LOD is the completeness of information
- LOD = get appropriate information at appropriate time
Level of Information Need (LOIN)
- Concept of Level of Information Need (LOIN): Collective term used to describe model elements (NOT models as a whole), including ‘LOD-G’, ‘LOD-I’ and 'DOC’
- Level of Graphics (LOD-G): description of graphical content of objects at each stage
- Level of Information (LOD-I): description of properties of objects at each stage defines
- Level of Documentation (DOC): description of documentation associated with specific BIM uses.
- CIC BIM Standards Page 44 Section 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4
Common Data Environment (CDE)
Working within a single environment; Provision of a single environment to store shared asset data and information, accessible to all individuals who are required to produce, use and maintain it.
- This is a repository, for example, a project extranet or electronic document.
- A suitable information hierarchy should be agreed.
- Single source of information for any given project
- Used to collect, manage and disseminate all relevant approved project documents for multi-disciplinary teams in a managed process.
- A CDE may use a project server, an extranet, a file-based retrieval system or other suitable toolset.
- A central repository where construction project information is housed
- The contents of the CDE are not limited to assets created in a ‘BIM environment’. (唔一定只用做BIM應用)
- Include documentation, graphical model and non-graphical assets.
- In using a single source of information collaboration between project members should be enhanced, mistakes reduced and duplication avoided.
CDE Structure
- Information Container-based Collaborative Working
- providing a collaborative environment for sharing work and can be implemented in a number of ways
- Work in progress
- Client shared area
- Published documentation
- Archive
- Time and cost-saving (共享資訊是完全協調的數據,無需檢查,也無需重發)
- Get it right the first time (如果參與者的意見一致,生產資訊就應該在第一時間準確無誤)
- Collaborative production of information (資訊用戶會使用最新的高質量共享資產數據)
- Spatial Coordination (異地協調可以完全實現。任何地方,任何設備,任何人)
Limitation/consdierations of CDE
- Comply with Organizational Information Requirements (OIR), Project Information Requirements (PIR)
- Leverage industry standards(在不同的標準下取得平衡)
- Reviewing existing infrastructure
- System/platform considerations
- Vendor considerations on varied CDE market offerings
- Number of user accounts, data size
- Disaster recovery policy and requirements
- Data ownership, maintenance, end life
Examples of Top Common Data Environments (CDE) for BIM
- Autodesk Construction Cloud (Initially known as BIM 360)
- Trimble Connect
- Bentley Projectwise
- Procore
思考:Oracle Aconex 到底係唔係個CDE?
Oracle Aconex Construction Management
Aconex 管理端到端流程,消除協作障礙。可以在單一平台上確保整個建築工程項目生命周期中的團隊和流程緊密相連,同時收集完整的項目記錄。Aconex 通過不可更改的審核跟蹤來盡可能減少爭議,幫助您跟蹤項目成功交付和完成。
- 使用完整的項目交付解決方案有效地管理整個項目生命周期中的端到端建設流程和工作流。Aconex 通過專用模塊為特定流程提供深度功能,包括模型協調、成本和現場流程。
- 使用獨特的數據所有權模型在團隊之間建立聯系,充分提高整個項目的采用、協作和數據共享,從而在單一系統中創建完整的項目記錄。
- 追蹤和捕獲每個項目決策,從而確保團隊盡職負責並盡可能減少糾紛。
- Aconex 基於統一中央平台 Oracle 通用數據環境 (CDE),可以連接團隊、流程和項目數據。它通過獨特的數據所有權模型和嚴格的安全協議建立信任,從而提高采用率,獲得更多項目數據和見解。
- Aconex 非常適用於設計建造項目,可將設計和交付團隊緊密相連,促進協作和數據共享。高度可配置的流程管理可提供可見性和控制力,而內置的模型協調則將團隊、模型和數據連接起來。
BIM Software
BIM Dimensions and Popular BIM Application
- 3D: (Spatial dimension)
- Autodesk Revit
- Graphisoft Archicad (Specialized in architecture design)
- Tekla Structures (Specialized in structure modeling (RC modeling and steel structure modeling)
- Solibri Model Checker
- 4D: (Time dimension)
- SYNCHRO Pro(4D, Site utilization planning)
- Fuzor
- 5D: (Costs dimension)
- Vico Office(5D, Cost and cash flow capability, Bill of Quantities)
- Glodon
- iTwo 4.0
- 6D: (Sustainability dimension)
- Energy Analysis with Revit, Insight and Green Building Studio
- 7D: (Maintenance dimension)
- Archi bus
- Infrastructure management:
- Bentley
Technology Trend
- Cloud Platform
- API - Application Programming Interface
- Integration of BIM, GIS and loT
- Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
- Low-cost Mobile Scanning with BIM
- Integration of BIM and Indoor Positioning
- as-built inspections and maintenance purposes
- Implement fire evacuation
- target localization and other building indoor services
- Integration of BIM and VR
- Health & Safety Training
- Facilities Management
- Plant Operations
- VR, BIM and Gaming Technologies
- Augmented/Mixed Reality (AR/MR), OR/RFID
- Table-top AR
- QR code
- Virtual installation sequence
- using RFID guides
- Integration of BIM and VDC/MiC/DfMA
- Simulate the construction process
- Reduce clashes
- Improve time and cost management
- BIM and A.I. for Standard Compliance Checking
- Integration of BIM and Automation