
【機電創新】- DfMA - MiMEP 什麼是機電裝備合成法 ?


DfMA - Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 可供製造及裝配的設計

MiMEP - Modular Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services 機電裝備合成法

可供製造和裝配的設計 (DfMA)是一種簡化產品製造和提高組裝效率的設計方法。 隨著越來越多工程使用預製模式,建造業已開始採用製造和組裝設計,在設計過程中, 設計出適合於現場安裝的預製組件,再選用具成本效益的材料與加工程序於預製工場內預先製造組件,從而降低成本和減少現場施工程序,為整個工程提升質量,降低成本並同時縮短施工時間


  • 節省施工時間
  • 提升成本效益
  • 提高質量和可持續性
  • 更安全的工作環境


Modular construction for buildings has been proven to save time and costs, but its limitation is the inability to fit various building services to the building after assembly. If not planned carefully, the time saved can easily be negated by the time taken to install piping, wiring and equipment after the modular building is joined on site.

The key is to design air-conditioning, plumbing and fire systems so that they can be fitted in each module with minimal external connections. The application of this technology is not new - we can trace its success back to the HSBC headquarters building, completed in the mid-1980s. The landmark serves as a milestone of such technology, even today.

There are many advantages to modular construction for building services.

  • First and foremost is the time-saving aspect, as construction activities can be carried out in parallel instead of in series.
  • Second, the installation of piping and wiring, which requires much more advanced skills than the routine wet trades of concreting, bricklaying and plastering, can now be done in factories offsite in a controlled environment by applying mass production techniques, facilitating superior quality control and inspection.
  • Third, construction waste can be substantially reduced. Pipes and wiring can be cut to the correct length and waste can be collected easily, making the site installation much cleaner.
  • Fourth, working from great heights at a site can be greatly reduced, significantly enhancing site safety.
  • Fifth, it reduces the need for large numbers of skilled workers on site, resolving the acute skilled labour shortage we are facing right now.

No wonder the Development Bureau is strongly advocating the application of DfMA and MiMEP. To make this successful, we need much more careful planning early on in the activity chain.




在組裝合成建築項目中的固定電力裝置,須符合《電力條例》(第 406 章) 的規定,而在香港進行的所有電力工程,均須由註冊電業承辦商進行,要求與常規建築項目一致。就在香港以外工場裝嵌於組裝合成建築組件的電力裝置,我們建議組裝合成建築承辦商應盡早與項目負責人和有關註冊電業承辦商商議,建立和實行品質控制及監督系統,以確保在工場裝嵌、檢查和測試的電力裝置具有良好工藝及使用適當材料

於組裝合成建築項目供應的家用電氣產品如在香港供應,須受《電力條例》(第 406 章)下的《電氣產品(安全)規例》規管。根據該《規例》,各類人士(包括製造商、進口商、批發商、零售商等)如在香港供應家用電氣產品,均會被視作供應商。如供應家用電氣產品是屬於對任何處所的處置的一部分,或是與該處所的處置相關的,而該處置(包括售出、租出、許可佔用和准許佔用)是在首次佔用該處所前作出的首次處置,則該《規例》同樣適用,因此物業發展商亦可能會被視作供應商。


在組裝合成建築項目中的氣體裝置,須符合《氣體安全條例》(第 51 章) 的規定,而在香港進行的所有氣體裝置工程,均須由註冊氣體工程承辦商進行,要求與常規建築項目一致。就在香港以外工場裝嵌於組裝合成建築組件的氣體裝置,我們建議組裝合成建築承辦商應盡早與項目負責人、有關註冊氣體工程承辦商和註冊氣體供應公司商議,建立和實行品質控制及監督系統,以確保在工場裝嵌、檢查和測試的氣體裝置具有良好工藝及使用適當材料

《氣體安全(雜項)規例》(第 51F 章)規定,任何進口以供在香港使用的住宅式氣體用具,必須為已核准類型/型號,並附有GU標誌。組裝合成建築承辦商如欲在合成組件上預先裝嵌住宅式氣體用具,以供運往香港,可委聘已就該住宅式氣體用具所屬的特定品牌及型號獲機電署批准的進口商負責有關用具的進口。另外,組裝合成建築承辦商亦可自行根據《工作守則:氣體應用指南之五—住宅式氣體用具的批准》,向機電署申請批准進口某住宅式氣體用具。


《能源效益(產品標籤)條例》(第 598 章)旨在方便市民挑選具能源效益的器具及提升市民對節約能源的意識。根據條例的規定,在本港供應的訂明產品須貼上能源標籤,讓消費者知悉有關產品的能源效益表現。





Driving DfMA Adoption in the Hong Kong Construction Industry by AECOM


Adopting Multi-trade Integrated MEP (MiMEP) From the Government’s Perspective by ArchSD



