根據政府spec,最大的Maximum symmetrical fault level 分別假設為:
- 11kV - 380 MVA
- 6.6kV - 225 MVA
- 3.3kV - 150 MVA
高壓掣櫃(HV Switchboard)
HV Switchboard 標準:IEC 62271-200:2011
- Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) 真空斷路器
- 110V DC Battery Charger
- Battery Set
- Digital Network Analyser (電錶)
- Measuring Current Transformer (MCT) & Protection Current Transformer(PCT)
- Voltage Transformer
- Protection Relay
- Selector/On/Off Switch, Indication Lamp
- Voltage Indicator
- Pilot Wire Differential Protection Relay
- Generator Differential Protection Relay
- Test Terminal
- Termination Kit
- Neutral Earth Resistor
高壓掣(HV Switchgear)- Vacuum Circuit Breaker(VCB)真空斷路器
VCB 標準:IEC 62271-100:2012
- Rated Voltage:12kV
- Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage: 75kV (Peak)
- Rated one-minute power frequency withstand voltage: 28kV
- Rated short-circuit breaking current: 20kA (3 seconds)
- Rated short-circuit making current: 50kV
- Rated control supply voltage: 220V AC for closing 110V DC for tripping
斷路器為可移動式(four wheeled truck),具有三個不同的狀態:"disconnect"、"test "和 "service"。 當斷路器處於 "test "和 "service "狀態時,斷路器內部的保護裝置阻止斷路器移動出來。斷路器移動車要有效接地。
Difference Between ACB, VCB and SF6:
具備Interlocking Gear (聯鎖裝置)
Interlocks shall be of the mechanical or key-operated type and shall be provided to prevent the following operations:
- (i) A moving portion from being withdrawn from or inserted into the isolating contacts when the circuit breaker is closed;
- (ii) The closing of the circuit breaker unless the movable portion is correctly plugged in or isolated from the equipment;
- (iii) The movable portion being withdrawn or replaced unless the circuit breaker is isolated and in the appropriate position;
- (iv) The movable portion being plugged in without the circuit breaker tank in position;
- (v) The circuit breaker being closed in the 'SERVICE' or 'EARTH' location without completing the appropriate auxiliary circuits; and
- (vi) To apply an earth to busbars until all circuit breakers which can feed the busbars, are locked open.