如何增加UPS的實用性? The increasing availability of UPS installation?
Paralleling of UPS systems 並聯UPS系統
- Availability of conditioned power
- Increased power rating
Parallel configurations 並聯的方式
- Bypass / Hot-Standby Parallel
- Parallel Redundant
- Isolated Parallel Redundant
集中電池組是否推薦?Centralised battery bank?
- Multiple UPS systems connect to the same battery bank in an effort to save money
- Not advisable - In an ideal scenario each UPS has its own battery bank for the highest availability expectation. (在理想的情況下,每個UPS都有自己的電池組是最好的選擇)
Parallel configurations 並聯的方式(一)—— Bypass / Hot-standby parallel
- The redundant UPS is feeding the bypass line of one, or multiple UPS
- Old concept
- Higher energy efficiency
- Standby should be of the same capacity as the whole cluster
- Least reliable parallel configuration
一台UPS處於online狀態,另一台處於standby狀態。如果online狀態的UPS的電子設備出現問題,一旦static switch或者系統內部切換出現故障,整個後備UPS迴路也會失效。另一個問題是,如果系統發生過載,online狀態的UPS不僅不能再保持負載,即使切換到standby的UPS,過載故障會轉移到standby的UPS。
Parallel configurations 並聯的方式(二)—— Parallel redundant UPS
- All UPS in the cluster are sharing the load
- Only one static- & manual bypass cabinet - Single point of failure
- Potential cost savings
- Not flexible for scaling
- All UPS systems must be from the same vendor
- Typically also of the same power rating although some allow mixing
在並聯冗余配置中,每個UPS系統都有一個整流器、逆變器和電池組,但只有一個cabinet for the maintenance static bypass。這意味著每個UPS都對這個bypass有控制指令,如果出現控制錯誤,進入bypass。 bypass仍是一個Single point of failure。另外,在這種配置下,UPS系統需要同步(synchronize),必須輸出完全相同的正弦波和頻率。
Parallel configurations 並聯的方式(三)—— Isolated parallel redundant
- All UPS in the cluster are sharing the load
- All UPS systems are fully standalone
- Easy to scale
- All UPS systems must be from the same vendor
- Typically also of the same power rating although some allow mixing
Dynamic UPS 的不同運行模式
Step 1 —— Normal utility mode(正常市電模式)
- Power is led through the UPS and the alternator is keeping the frequency and voltage stable at the output.
Step 2 —— Change to diesel mode(轉換發電機模式)
- The input breaker will open if there are power disturbances
- Flywheel will provide ride-through energy
- The diesel engine will kick in and drive the alternator
Step 3 —— Continuous diesel supply mode(發電機供電模式)
- The diesel engine continuously drives the alternator to supply continuous power to the load
- The diesel engine is constantly monitored and digitally controlled to ensure a constant output voltage and frequency
Step 4 —— Return to normal mode(市電恢復模式)
- If utility supply is again within specification the load is transferred back
- The diesel engine will run a few minutes more to cool down and then go back to standby mode
Dynamic UPS 詳細的運行模式也可參考下面的video: