製冷的種類/方式 Type of Air Conditioning:
Air-cooled, Self-contained
- Based on refrigerant, condenser & compressor located in the outdoor unit
- Pros:
- Low cost
- Low installation cost
- Many choices are available
- Easy to maintain
- Cons:
- Needs a heat exhaust pipe
- Low sensible cooling capacity
- Classified as a Comfort air conditioner
- High operating cost
- Not recommended for data centres
Air-cooled, Split system (DX)
- Based on refrigerant, the condenser outside
- Often called 'DX' (Direct Expansion)
- Pros:
- 'Low' purchase cost
- Many choices available
- Easy to maintain
- Easy to expand Air-conditioner
- Cons:
- Limitation to the length of pipe run and height difference between indoor and outdoor unit
- Restrictions in certain buildings/countries
- Each CRAC must have its own condenser
通常被稱為CRAC Unit,是基於refrigerant的。evaporator在數據中心內,連接管道到建築物外的condenser unit。
某些建築法規不允許將condenser unit放在建築物外。另一個問題是管道的長度的限制。
Fluid-cooled (Water-Glycol)
- Based on the fluid, a complete refrigerant circuit in the CRAC, dry cooler outside
- Pros:
- Longer pipe runs are possible
- Multiple CRACs can use the same dry cooler
- Redundancy must be well planned
- Built-in free cooling option
- Cons:
- Not easy to maintain (volume and quality of Glycol)
- Higher cost than air-cooled
- Not allowed in specific buildings
- Glycol is only used in cold climates to avoid freezing
另一個系統是mixture of water with (ethylene) glycol,類似汽車中使用的防凍劑。
由於使用泵,因此pipe可以更長。同時,意味著有更多的部件需要維護,並更有可能發生故障。一個condensor unit可以為數據中心內的多個CRAC供電,如果空間有限的話,這會是一個優勢。但一個condensor unit連接多個CRAC供電會引發單點故障,需要考慮冗余方案。
Chilled water
- Based on water, the central refrigerant circuit is within the chiller
- Pros:
- Longer pipe runs are possible
- No refrigerant in the data centre
- Simple air-handling units in the data centre
- Big free cooling potential in cold areas
- Multiple CRAHsusing the same chiller plants
- Cons:
- The very high initial cost
- Risk of chiller failure (redundancy)
- Typically only for large computer rooms
以chilled water為基礎的冷卻系統效率很高,更適用於對於cooling capacity要求很大的數據中心。因此,chilled water系統通常只對較大的機房設置可行。
- outdoors (air-cooled) or indoors (water-cooled)
- a central chiller plant and linked to the CRAHs
- Only water/glycol is used as a cooling medium in the piping system
- High energy efficiency due to hybrid-mode and free cooling
- System design must be well planned:
- Acoustic
- Central hydraulic pipework
- Buffer tanks
- Pumps
- Redundancy etc.
Chiller Plant主要分為風冷和水冷。Central Chiller Plant可以為整個建築提供冷量。冗余要考慮電氣系統的後備以及chiller pipe的後備,以確保該設施可同時維護。
Direct/indirect Air Handler
- located outdoor, using air cool
- mounted on the side / on the top of the building
- supplying outdoor air directly to the data centre
- Indirect air handlers
- re-cooling the air over an air-to-air heat exchanger
- pre-cooling of the outside air with an adiabatic system is possible
- Direct air handlers
- appropriate filtering of the outdoor air needs to take place to avoid potential dust and gaseous contamination.
- Pros:
- Energy efficient in cold / medium regions
- lowest possible Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
- The unit is located outside, with more white space
- Downsizing of the electrical infrastructure
- Fast return on investment
- Cons:
- High water usage (can be limited by the authorities)
- Direct air handlers can pollute the data centre
- Risk of legionella
- A redundant water source is needed